Suiko - Fastest way from ideas to articles

A note-taking app, optimized for train of thoughts.

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Available on iOS, Android, and Web

App screenshot.

An app that makes you a better writer

I often struggled organizing my thoughts into a blog article. I needed a system to assist me through the journey of crafting a well-written article.

To satisfy this need, I created an app (iOS, Android, and Web client) so that anybody can better articulate their thoughts to the wider audience.

3 step approach to create an article

  1. Jot down ideas
  2. Revisit them later to organize
  3. Promote some for blog articles

The articles I’ve created with this approach.

App Tour

1. Jot down ideas

2. Organize them later

3. Promote some for blog articles

Additional features

Sync with Web client

While this is not a mandatory feature, I find it extremely useful to do the final polishing stage from my MacBook. For that, there’s a web sync feature. Please sign up here to turn on the syncing. As data syncing requires continuous investment to the backend, I’m currently offering this as a subscription option.

Basic formatting support

The focus of this app is not to finish an article, but to give you enough tool to keep polishing the train of thoughts into article drafts. I’m currently providing a subset of Markdown format to assist this This feature is WIP.

For list views, please consider splitting each bullet point into separate “sentences”. That way, you can make most of the edit mode this app provides.

Any questions?

I’ve been using this app personally for quite some time, so I’m happy to help in any way that can make you a better writer using your Smartphone! Please reach out to My Twitter account for questions, suggestions, and troubleshootings. Thank you!