"Variables" Game Pattern
Brief Summary
- Every game has its variables, in another word, some values which changes as game goes on.
- Most of times, you get to control the variables, how you allocate them to convert to other valuable elements of the game.
- What's important is, there always is some irregularity when converting variables to other game elements. If the conversion always results the same way, there's no fun controlling the variables as a player.
Game Example
- Almost any game should have a number of variables.
- Most obvious examples are tactics games. You get some victory points(or whatever the points you get when game goes) as you play, and you allocate them to grow your units.
- Stronger units requires more variables to convert, weaker ones less. However, which unit is better depends on each game situation.
- Therefore, some variable conversion is thought to be better than others, and that's what makes players keep excited.
- This screen shot should explain this game pattern.
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